The initial goal for Kinapharma was to become the largest indigenous manufacturer and marketer of quality, reliable and affordable food and medicines across West Africa… and the company is right on course. Internal industrial, technical and marketing expertise and has been the vanguard of Kinapharma’s strength and leadership position. The quality of Kinapharma’s internal R&D, distribution and marketing competence remains unparalleled and is still growing.
The company’s direct footprint is always being pushed. Currently it includes full presence in Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone with distribution business across Burkina, Mali and Niger.
Part of the ongoing growth and pursuit of quality is based on consulting with entities that can increase the company’s credibility and knowledge base. This has included working with the World Health Organization, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and several ministries of health from The Gambia to Papua New Guinea.
Kinapharma is undoubtedly the first large-scale indigenous manufacturer of pharmaceuticals to embrace modern marketing and advertising. Moreover, the Kina Group and its numerous products keep a very strong presence in the media. Kinapharma is the very first Ghanaian company to sponsor the local Football Premier League. The Kinapharma Premier League was a shock and awe strategy that has more than paid off in this soccer-loving part of the world. On radio and TV, the brand’s commercials and campaigns are ever present and always refreshing, impacting greatly on the brand’s performance and recognition.
Kinapharma’s APC, Martins Liver Salt, Finelife Blood Tonic and Kwick Action are arguably the highest grossing OTC bouquet – imported and local combined. Eulogized in songs, award winning Rap musicians recommend “taking a Kinapharma regardless of your ailment.”